Various ferret noises and what they could mean
Ferrets are tiny interesting creatures that act and look like wild weasels. They are highly affectionate in nature. These furry creatures are fond of communicating as well and can make different types of noises. Several of these are tough to decipher in case you have not heard them before.
At times, ferrets can make weird noises. Such noises can be from whining to barking and from crying to hissing and dooking. They make a variety of noises for different reasons ranging from excitement to happiness and from illness to anger. As a pet owner, you need to understand all these signals to make correct decisions.
The following list in this article will make you realize various ferret noises and what they mean. Once you are aware of their meanings, you would not have to give a quizzical stare to your tiny companion again.
Ferret noises
Is your ferret attempting to tell you something? Your furry buddies use subtle noises and vocalizations to transmit signals to other ferrets and you. Playtime is the occasion when you are likely to find them making most of these noises. However, it is also important to remember that each ferret is unique. So, are you ready to know about ferret noises and what they mean?
Is it bad when your ferret coughs a lot? Do you need to worry about it then? Coughing can be quite bad and it could also be a signal that your ferret is suffering from heart disease or a respiratory infection.
Also, coughing could be a symptom of your ferret suffering from an allergy. You should consult your vet when the ferret coughs a lot. If you delay in taking the ferret to a vet, the problem can get worse.
Screeching is a high-pitched noise made by a ferret. It is quite a common noise if a ferret is scared, furious, or in pain. Its tail may be back arched and puffed while it screeches. Pet owners should rescue their ferrets when two ferrets make this kind of noise while playing. We recommend you monitor and watch to make sure one of them is not bullying the other one. Make sure you do not move suddenly and approach it carefully.
Teeth grinding
Ferrets can also make a sound by grinding their teeth. Its meaning will vary from one context to another. In case you hear your furry friend grinding its teeth after having its meal, there is a possibility that it is trying to get food out of the teeth. You need not be worried in such a scenario. However, in case you hear the sound on other occasions, your ferret is likely in pain. It is better to take your tiny friend to a vet in such a case.
Similar to several other animals, ferrets can also snore while they are asleep. There is nothing to be worried about as it is completely normal to do so. You simply need to enjoy its cuteness then. However, all ferrets do not snore so do not fret if yours does not.
Whining and whimpering are similar but the former is usually more serious. If ferrets whine, it means they are usually in pain or sick. However, baby ferrets can also win to get their mothers’ attention.
Another difference between whining and whimpering is that the former is more insistent and frequent. In case you simply hear the noise once or twice after which the sound stops when you pick it up and reassure it, it is whimpering.
However, when the sound continues with no sign of stopping and you are unable to stop it even after taking all possible measures, your tiny buddy is whining. It requires medical attention at the earliest. On the other hand, it may be also a signal of it being scared.
· In case it is scared, you should leave it alone for some time unless there is some danger looming around. Usually, if it is scared, it feels threatened by another animal present in the same room or is afraid of you.
· If the ferret is in pain, it will whine when you attempt to move it. It is recommended to consult a vet as soon as possible.
· If it is out, try to return it to the cage. On the other hand, if it is in its cage, you can leave that room for some time. Alternatively, try moving the cage to a calmer part of your home.
The noise is similar to the chuckling or clucking of a chicken. When a ferret dooks, it is a signal to its owner that it wants to play. When a ferret is excited, it makes this noise continuously, which is adorable in a way. Many pet owners refer to the sound as ferret babble. In case there are two ferrets at the same place, dooking is a common sound while a wrestling session is on.
You may use a cat toy to play with your ferret and hear it making different dooking sounds. However, some ferrets will not dook a lot, thus reminding you that every ferret is unique. It has been observed that this sound is made along with a ferret dancing with joy.
The sound may not be always loud and so listen to it closely. Although dooking is a joyful sound, do not feel sad in case you have not heard your ferret making it. It does not mean they are sad. In reality, some ferrets are quieter than others.
Hissing is another warning sound. Several ferret lovers refer to this noise as a mix between chattering and a hee hee. It is not identical to the hissing sound made by a cat. A ferret can make this noise during its playtime and if it is overstimulated, upset, baffled, or angry. It is perfectly okay for your ferret to make a hissing sound and so do not panic.
In fact, it is the easiest noise to understand. The sound is different from a cat’s hiss as it is staccato and low similar to a restrained chuckle. However, it does not mean that your furry buddy is in a mood to laugh if it is hissing. In case you feel that it is hissing because of anger or fear, take aside and reassure it for some time.

It is another sound, which can be heard if your ferret feels excited. It is more like a giggle and is almost similar to dooking. You may find your ferret squeaking often. They do so, especially while interacting with another ferret or their owner. They particularly tend to squeak while playing. Thus, it is a good sign that it is having fun.
However, monitor your furry buddy in case you hear it squeak. If your ferret squeaks occasionally, there is nothing to be alarmed about. On the other hand, if there is an increase in frequency or intensity, it is better to separate these ferrets for some time to compose them.
It is a pathetic, sad sound, which ferrets make from time to time. It usually signifies that they are not receiving adequate attention. Ferrets may also whimper when you do not give in to their whims such as putting a favorite toy away. They may also whim when you let them know that they had sufficient snacks.
Although it can appear slightly manipulative, it is necessary to pick your tiny friend and pacify it when you hear it whimpering. If you neglect it on such occasions, the bond can become weaker and also result in behavioral problems in the future.
Many ferrets bark while playing and other bark when they are petrified. You have to analyze carefully to understand the actual reason for the barking. In case they are barking because of them feeling excited, you can simply enjoy the show and do nothing else. However, if they appear to be terrified or furious, take the same actions you would have taken if they were making a hissing sound.
A ferret can also bark if it gets stuck so you may also regard it as a warning sound. .Barking may also sound like dooks or one/two loud chirps. Similar to chirping, it typically suggests that the ferret is excited or pleased. However, a bark can also mean that a ferret is in distress on certain occasions.
A ferret may bark when it is excited. For instance, small pets may not be fond of their bath time. They bark to possibly let you realize that the water is freezing. In case your ferret is fond of mealtime, it may also bark when you try to put aside their bowl too quickly.
Several animals sneeze. Even you do it and have heard the cats and dogs doing it as well. In short, the behavior is quite common. However, rarely any animal sneeze the way these little pets do. These tiny animals can sneeze continuously in rapid succession for around a dozen times. It appears as if its head is exploding.
They sneeze quite often primarily because they are fond of sniffing almost everything they come across. So, it is perfectly okay for a ferret to sneeze. In case the sneezing noise accompanies some other symptoms such as a discharge from its eyes or a runny nose, it could be unwell. Consult the vet at the earliest to rectify the problem.
Body language of ferret
Trying to understand what a ferret is trying to express to its owner goes simply beyond vocal clues like pitch and volume. The pet owner should also be able to get familiar with its body language. For instance, when a ferret makes a hissing sound, you may be unable to conclude whether is scared or furious based on noise alone. So, you should depend on its body language too.
If they are hissing and backing away at the same time, it is safe to conclude that they are scared. On the other hand, if they look aggressive while making a hissing sound, then it is easy to conclude that they are upset rather than scared.
Ferrets are little creatures that lack the lingual capabilities of human beings. However, that does not indicate they lack the ability to communicate with humans and other ferrets. They can make various kinds of noises to try to communicate what they want. Unfortunately, all people do not always realize what their furry buddies are trying to communicate. At times, even experts are in trouble distinguishing between specific sounds.
This is the reason why this article explains different types of ferret noises and what they mean. With a little practice, it will be easy to communicate with your pet ferret in no time. Finally, be focused on the needs of your ferret and do not ignore the sounds made by them. You should try to understand what your tiny friend is trying to communicate on most occasions.