Zhemina: Giraffe With Curved Neck


Giraffe Zhemina born 16th July 1986, in San Diego. At birth, she showed no signs of deformity of the neck, and Zheminu transported to the zoo in Santa Barbara, when she was barely a year old. She did not show any signs of deformity to three years, when her spine began to slightly protrude from the neck. Eventually, he made so rapidly that it was impossible not to notice. Before Zheminy similar case was reported in the 1902nd year. The scientists, zoologists and veterinarians were unable to find an explanation for this. Despite its ugliness, Zhemina lived a long life – she was about six years, has experienced an average giraffe. In late 2007 – early 2008’s health Zheminy beginning to deteriorate rapidly due to old age. She was reluctantly subjected to euthanasia, its overseers at the zoo in Santa Barbara on Jan. 9, 2008.

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