Toxic And Ugly… Stone Fish


One of the most toxic and also the ugliest of marine animals stone fish. She also called tuberculosis . This being only 15-20 centimeters in length, with an ugly big head, small eyes and large mouth with a jutting lower jaw. Naked, without scales, brownish-brown, sometimes with light spots and stripes, the body of the fish-stone covered mounds and warts, and a dorsal fin sticking out hard poisonous spines.

If people come to fish, stone or accidentally touches her, she immediately plunge into a fin spines at the base of which are poisonous glands. Stone fish is  extremely dangerous. There are cases when people die in a few hours or even minutes after the injection of poisonous spines.

Fish-stone found in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, the Pacific Islands and northern Australia, whose inhabitants call it warty vampire. People who are lucky enough to survive a shot often remain disabled, because its venom destroys erythrocytes and invades the central nervous system.

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