GalleryAnimals Of Harry Potter
- December 22, 2020
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Micro World Of Insects
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Macro photography is close-up photography of usually very small objects. The classical definition is that the image projected on the "film plane" is close to the same size as the subject. In recent years, the term macro has been used in marketing material to mean being able to focus on a subject close enough so that when a regular 6×4 inch print is made, the image is life-size or larger.
Happy Owl
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Owls in the world are generally known as night birds. Also their character is known as the dark bird because of their diet, are known as one of the best fighters in the kingdom of birds with very good eyesight, as the main weapon to capture prey. In addition to vision and hearing them is outstanding.
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If we could make a scale with the twisted product to maintain daily hygiene these soaps take up no doubt the first place and weird list. Not only are formatted in a really strange and weird shapes their texture is the story on its own.Because these soaps do not only need to look carefully and to apprehend them and touch for the full experience. Many of these examples are taken from some horror movie.
Poison Dart Frogs
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Poison dart frog is the common name of a group of frogs in the family Dendrobatidae which are native to Central and South America. Unlike most frogs, these species are active during the day and often exhibit brightly-colored bodies. Although all wild dendrobatids are at least somewhat toxic, levels of toxicity vary considerably from one species to the next and from one population to another. Many species are critically endangered.
Dogs Waiting For Their Owners
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On city streets sometimes can be seen dogs that owners were left alone in the car. Over the misted windows of rapid breathing, we can see their sad faces. In a sad expectation of the owners of these best friends of man as embodied all the familiar feelings of emptiness, boredom and loneliness.
Top 10 Deadliest Insects
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Though not necessarily the most prolifically deadly animal on earth, insects certainly hold their fair share of the unfortunate demises. Throughout history, the insect has played a major roll in many different actions and reactions ranging from writings in the Bible to golden statues in Egyptian Tombs.