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Christmas At The Zoo

Catholic Church celebrates the great feast - Christmas. This holiday is loved by both adults and children. Christmas trees, ornaments, gifts - from this Christmas rush there is no cure, but it is not necessary. However, Christmas love, not only people but also our brethren smaller.

Ceiling House Fish

Do you have fish? Do you have an aquarium? Aquarium boring you do just that. A little more Plexiglas, silicone, a few holders, Strafe and strong ceiling, and you're job. See what this imaginative man did to enjoy the carefree play of his fish.

New Animal Photos

A collection of new animal photos, which you probably haven't seen before. Animals are a major group of mostly multicellular, eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Animalia or Metazoa.

Few Of The Bees

Bees solve complex mathematical problems faster than computers - the conclusion made by British scientists from Royal Holloway College, part of the University of London.