Bird Olympics


Yeah, these feathered athletes know how to win the gold. Only gold.

Sports birds took part in the “Sports Meeting of birds” in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China.

The birds took part in a number of different sports. This guy has beaten its own record for weightlifting.

Kakadu on a bicycle.

Parrot is engaged to make sure that his beak in shape.

Right midfielder.

It is known that the Roman emperor Heliogabalus fed parrots and peacocks in the zoo lions, though the price of parrots was a great deal: they paid for them more than a slave.

Parrots – centenarians. Life expectancy large parrots to 50-60, and sometimes up to 100 years. Small parrots live on less: 20-25 years old.

Kakadu is perhaps the most interesting and amusing parrot. It is capable of opening locks and gates.

More recently, taking steps to preserve habitat of some species of parrots in the ecosystem.

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