Alaskan Malamute Cute Puppies


The Alaskan Malamute is a generally large, wolf-like breed of domestic dog originally bred for use as an Alaskan sled dog. They are sometimes mistaken for a Siberian Husky, but in fact are quite different in many ways. Malamutes have a very quiet temperament and are often loyal to their owners. The American Kennel Club breed standard calls for a natural range of size, with a desired freighting size of 23 inches and 75 pounds for females, 25 inches and 85  males. Heavier individuals  and dogs smaller than 75 pounds are commonly seen. To take such beautiful puppies photos you will need to learn some of best dog tricks. Photography itself is arts and inspiration for lot of people.

If you don’t learn tricks to teach your dog at right time, your dog photography can be blurry and bad. Teach yourself and your pet till perfection…

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