Hamsters and Gerbils are cute little rodents that are very popular as pets. But there are a number of differences. Consider these differences when you decide what makes a better pet hamster or gerbil.
General Looks of Hamster and Gerbil:
Hamster has a very short tail whereas gerbil has a tail that is more or less equal to its body length. The gerbil has a longer snout than a hamster. The hind legs of the gerbil are also longer than those of the hamster. Both hamster and gerbil have a pair of round black eyes and are fully covered with fur.
Size and Weight of Hamster and Gerbil:
Hamster and gerbil are available in different species and genus. They vary in size and weight based on the species and genus they are in. An adult Syrian hamster measures five to seven inches in length and four to eight ounces in weight. The common dwarf hamster ranges between two and four inches in length and about one and a half ounces in weight. An adult pet gerbil measures between five and six inches in length and weigh between two and four ounces on average.
Color of Hamster and Gerbil:
Hamster and gerbil come in different colors. Hamsters are found in white, cinnamon, gray, brown to black varieties. Some possess a dark stripe along the middle of their backs. Gerbils are found in many colors including tan, gray, brown, and reddish-brown.

Life Expectancy of Hamster and Gerbil:
The general lifespan of a hamster is two to three years but it may live up to four and a half years. Whereas a gerbil generally lives up to three years but may live up to five years.
Food Habits of Hamster and Gerbil:
The food habits of hamster and gerbil are similar. They like to eat seeds, fruits, vegetables, and smaller insects. They even eat their young if there are too many young to be fed in the cage.
Social Nature of Hamster and Gerbil:
A gerbil is more social than a hamster. It likes to stay with other gerbils of its kind. It also befriends its owner very fast and does not bite if handled properly. A hamster is a solitary animal. It likes to stay alone and bites frequently until it becomes accustomed to its owner. So if you have one or more children in your family, keep this point in mind to decide what makes a better pet hamster or gerbil.
Probability of Hamster and Gerbil staying Together:
Since gerbils are social animals, they like to spend time with other gerbils and humans. Some hamsters are also social. But these hamsters can not interact with gerbils. They would rather fight for survival like in the wild. So if you want to keep both hamster and gerbil as pets, you have to keep them in separate cages.
Energy Usage by Hamster and Gerbil:
Gerbils are inquisitive and show lots of energy in digging and searching for food. They sleep when they need them. Hamsters are lethargic and love to sleep and relax most of the day. So, if you want to see your pet doing numerous types of activities, the gerbil is the answer.
Intelligence Level of Hamster and Gerbil:
Gerbils can communicate with noises and body language. This is why they are more intelligent. Researches by the IOWA State University have found that they can avoid negative stimuli better than rats. They can show their likes and dislikes. They can be trained to go to the toilet. They will jump onto your palm if you want. Even they can respond to names if you train them. On the contrary, hamsters like to be within themselves. So, they are stubborn and resemble stupidity. So, you decide what makes a better pet hamster or gerbil.
Sleeping Patterns of Hamster and Gerbil:
Hamster sleeps during the day and plays at night. So, the noise from its cage may give you company if you work at night. Whereas gerbil acts during the daytime. So, it may go well with you if you are a regular sleeper at night.
Cost of Hamster and Gerbil as Pets:
The cost of a hamster and that of a gerbil is more or less the same. But the maintenance cost of a gerbil as a pet is a little more than that of a hamster. Because you need to keep more than one gerbil in its cage. Also, the substrate within the cage of the gerbil has to be much thicker than the substrate of the cage of the hamster. It is because the gerbil is more intent on digging than the hamster. Toys like playing wheels can be inducted into each cage.
Looking after the Health of Hamster and Gerbil:
The pets and their cages are to be regularly cleaned so that they do not smell bad because of their excreta. The hamster excretes more frequently than the gerbil. Again, the gerbil may suffer from seizures if the environment of its cage is not properly maintained. So, cleaning has to be done often for both pets.
Escaping the Cage for Hamster and Gerbil:
Both hamster and gerbil may chew the wires of the cage and escape. This becomes an issue as catching these tiny devils and putting them back in captivity do not end without hurting your hands.
So, what makes a better pet hamster or gerbil? Both have positive and negative points that go in support and against keeping them as pets respectively. You can keep both of them in separate cages if you like. But neither can be adjudged as a clear winner in this respect. You have to compare their positives and their negatives to decide what makes a better pet hamster or gerbil. So, what makes a better pet hamster or gerbil? Both have positive and negative points that go in support and against keeping them as pets respectively. You can keep both of them in separate cages if you like. But neither can be adjudged as a clear winner in this respect. You have to compare their positives and their negatives to decide what makes a better pet hamster or gerbil.