Top 12 Weirdest Noses In Animal Kingdom


In this collection will be discussed about noses. One species of animals, they help to catch prey, others – to attract the opposite sex, the third – to fight for territory. But in some species of animals nose – one of the most prominent and attention-grabbing body parts.

Star nouse mool usual in eastern Canada and north-eastern United States. If you’ve never seen it, it is not surprising – these creatures most of the time underground, digging tunnels. They use their nose in the form search and build-up (which, incidentally, his entire 22 pieces) for  worms and insects in the dark.

In Nosy monkey expressive nose, which can reach 17 cm, there is only the males. That nose attracts females. As they say, someone a big nose ..

On our planet, more than two million domestic pigs, not including wild boars. Pigs are not choosy. They use their noses to find food, which may vary from acorns and insects, rotten food waste..

Aardvark is translated as “earth pig.” These noisy nocturnal pursue termites, nosing their own sensitive noses. Aardvark, or aardvark, tearing termitnye mountains with its talons, then poke poke in his nose and suck the termites

These breeds of dogs, like pugs and bulldogs are known for their small upturned nose, and grunts, which they make. Because of these flattened muzzles dogs may have problems with breathing, to correct which may require surgical intervention.

All we saw elephants, but have you ever wondered how unusual nose of pachyderms? The trunk is also the nose and lip and additional hand. Huge Asian and African elephants use their trunks to manipulate small objects, scratching his back, wiping his eyes, fell trees and drink.

Elephant seals with their unforgettable noses can be found in oceans around the world. Only adult males have these swollen noses that allow them to produce deafening screams. These noses are also helping them to store water, prevent loss of body fluids during the mating season when males usually leave the beach to find food and water.

An impressive nose rhino formed from keratin, which comprise derivatives horny epidermis – structures such as hair and nails. These brutal kind of animals live in Africa and Asia. In China, people hunt rhinos for their horns, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Dachshund dogs such as dachshunds, are on the other side of the spectrum noses, on the opposite side of the pugs and bulldogs. Derived for hunting badgers and rabbits, these dogs with their long noses – a true master of scent.

Long-eared Elephant shrew does not jumpers. After several years of scientific confusion, scientists have argued that these mammals do not belong to any animal species. In fact, this distant relatives aardvark, hyraxes, manatees, and, yes, elephants. With their long noses, they are looking for their dinner on the ground – beetles and spiders.

Tapirs – these commentators, living in the forests of South Africa, Central and South-eastern America. They can bend their soft flexible noses in all directions in search of fruit and leaves.

Okay, this is certainly not the nose, but we could not ignore the impressive bill of fatness. These colorful birds live in Mexico, South and Central America and the Caribbean, where they decide to fight for their territory impressive beaks

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