Insect World


They look like monsters from another planet, but these strange creatures were photographed by  Rundstedt Rovillosom in the Philippines.

Osa Eucharitid with its fashionable feather hairdo.

At its close-up photography of insects, each species is presented in incredible detail. In his collection are photos of wasps, caterpillars and beetles that seem to us newcomers.

Caterpillar, like a dragon, with a hornlike growths on his head.

And the head of the caterpillar looks like a cherry. This is the local form of caterpillar with red head.

Ant playing bowling dew drops.

Mr. Rovillos learned his skills photographing insects as a child, but serious photographers took only 5 years ago.

40-year-old Filipino photographer most of his time to the hobby. In the photo: the surveyor.

Finding an insect, I immediately photograph it, I do not touch them and do not get out of their natural habitat. “In the photo: red attractive face and eyes wasps.

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