Greyhound … Up close and Personal


The Greyhound is a breed of sighthound that has been primarily bred for coursing game and racing, but with recent resurgence of popularity as a pedigree show dog and family pet. It is a gentle and intelligent breed. A combination of long, powerful legs, deep chest, flexible spine and slim build allow it to reach average race speeds of, or in excess of, 18 metres per second or 63 kilometres per hour. Greyhound owners and adoption groups consider Greyhounds to be wonderful pets. Greyhounds are quiet, gentle, and loyal to owners. Generally, the Greyhound is not a barker. Occasionally, the dog may bark or ‘roo.’ They are very loving creatures, and they enjoy the company of their humans and other dogs. Whether a Greyhound enjoys the company of other small animals or cats depends on the individual dog’s personality. Greyhounds typically will chase small animals; those lacking a high ‘prey drive’ will be able to coexist happily with toy dog breeds and or cats.

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