Ferrets can make wonderful pets and offer some much-required joy in our lives. However, they possess a natural “musky” scent, which many ferret owners get accustomed to after some time. However, most of the time, the ferret odor can also come from a dirty cage. Ferrets unfortunately do not have a large digestive tract, which means they pee and poop quite frequently.
However, ferret owners do not want their nostrils to be always filled with odor. So, they need to know how to get rid of ferret odor in room. Luckily for them, this article covers some smart tips for doing so.
What causes the distinctive ferret odor?
Similar to some omnivorous and all carnivorous, ferrets have anal glands, which secrete a particular scent. Ferrets have very strong smelling anal glands, according to experts. Their poop has a foul smell and the best way to take care of it is by controlling its diet.
Whole foods can be the most natural and healthiest diet for your fuzzy friends. These can be typically baby chicks or a mixture of whole foods and kibble. However, feeding whole foods to your ferret can be inconvenient, as well as, messy for the ferret owner.
You may not find baby chicks so easily on the market so processed kibble can be a feasible alternative. A great way to pick a healthy kibble for your ferret is to read the nutrition label properly. You could be doing it for picking your own food items. So, why not do the same for your ferret’s food as wells?
How to get rid of ferret odor in the room– Smart tips
1. Ferrets should be given a healthy diet
Your ferret should consume a healthy diet to eliminate that distinct odor. A natural and healthy diet is highly recommended to make sure that the ferret reduces odor and remains healthy.
Purchase ferret food
While purchasing, make sure you are getting healthy ferret food containing a lot of fat and protein. The ingredients list should not have fish and corn in it. Ensure a lot of water is included and also go for bi-odor supplements.
Many ferret owners make the mistake of feeding their ferrets mostly cat food. In the past, there were hardly any options there was a lack of ferret food on the market. The main issue with cat food is its rich sugar content. Over time, it can result in diabetes in your ferret.
On the other hand, ferrets are fond of cat food as they are known to have a sweet tooth. Today, commercial pet stores have different types of food items specially formulated for ferrets. The trick is to choose, which is right for your critter and is within your budget.
How to choose ferret food?
While going through the ingredients list, you should note the first 5-7 ingredients. Remember that the top two have to be an animal source, typically poultry- chicken meal, etc. Beat pulp and eggs can be also listed and are ok.
Do not pick up a ferret food, which has cord included among its top 5 ingredients. Although corn is a source of protein, it is not a complete protein. The reason is it lacks all the essential amino acids. However, wheat is alright as it is not a protein source.
You may also look for any kind of fish oils or fish products in the ingredients list. That is because fish is ok for your ferrets. Also, it is a valid protein source. However, consuming it can worsen their Business small. Additionally, many ferrets are not fond of the taste. Instead, poultry is a more natural source.
Search for bi-odor supplements while you are visiting a pet store. Those may be added to your fuzzy critter’s water. They are believed to reduce smell but are not effective for all ferrets. Ensure that your ferret always has access to water.
2. Clean the cage regularly
In case you do not keep the critter in a cage, it is time you start doing so. When ferrets are allowed to roam freely in all the rooms, they may litter in these places making cleaning a cumbersome process.
Litter train the ferret
You can remove the foul smell by immediately cleaning up accidents and also work on litter box training. After all, ferrets are smart animals and can be trained on different types of tricks. They can be quite good at getting trained in using the litter box. However, several of them require continual reminders and encouragement. Litter boxes should be cleaned at least once a day.
Choose proper bedding and make sure it is always clean
Ensure that your ferret’s bedding is clean. It is extremely crucial to choose proper bedding. It is recommended not to use wood chips. That is because wood chip bedding may lead to different types of respiratory issues and lung infections in ferrets. Such bedding can gradually kill your pet.
3. Bathing your ferret
It can be a tempting proposition for ferret owners to go to extremes while giving a bath to their ferrets. While it is important to get rid of ferret odors, pet owners should also know the balance while giving their ferrets baths.
In case you never give a bath to your ferret, especially when it is seasonally shedding, there could be a risk of a smelly ferret. On the other hand, if you bathe the ferret too frequently, i.e. more than once monthly, too many oils can be produced by them. The excessive oil secretion can make them smell more severely.
So, we suggest that your ferret should be bathed based on their requirements. Some experts recommend once a month is sufficient while others insist once in two months. There are a few experts who even recommend bathing the ferret just 1-2 times annually. No matter what frequency you choose, make sure that your ferrets enjoy a stress-free bath. Use a natural shampoo, which will make their fur lush and soft. When your ferrets are clean, it is helpful to remove their odor especially when they are kept indoors.
So, how to give a bath to your ferret? Fill the tub with water but make sure that the label is sufficient to cover its body. Its head should be above the water. Also, the water temperature should be marginally warmer than lukewarm. Use a ferret safe shampoo to scrub the ferret. You can purchase them from a vet or a pet store in your neighborhood.
· You should not use a human conditioner or shampoo on the ferret because these may be toxic to it.
· Unless your pet is too dirty, it is sufficient and healthy to bathe it once a month.

4. Keep your ferret’s ears clean
The ears of ferrets can become very waxy and also may have a strong and musky odor. As such, you should clean your ferret’s ears with an ear cleaner specifically made for pets. A moistened Q-tip can be used to clean its ears. However, the pet owner should be careful in not inserting the Q-tip into its ear canal. There could be a risk of getting their eardrums punctured if they do so. Your ferret’s ears should be cleaned once a week to get the best results.
How to clean your ferret’s ears?
A little ear cleaning solution should be first poured into a bowl. Next, one end of a cotton swab should be dipped into this liquid. Have a firm hold over your ferret and clean its outer ear by rubbing the swab. You can purchase the ear cleaning solution at many pet stores. When a swab becomes dirty while cleaning its ears, it should be replaced with a fresh one. The swab’s end should be always visible even when your pet’s inner ear is being cleaned. Else, there could be a risk deeper than needed and damaging its ear.
5. Brush its teeth once a week
Buy a toothpaste and a soft toothbrush specially designed for kittens and cats. Put the ferret in your lap and then one of your hands should be used to pull up its gums. Apply a little toothpaste on the brush now. Next, place this brush against its gums and then rotate in tiny circles.
The ferret may dislike its teeth being brushed initially. So, try beginning off the process slow and do only a few of its teeth at a time. In case you are apprehensive about your ferret biting you while trying to clean its teeth, you can consult your vet and take it to them for professional teeth cleaning session.
6. Remove ferret odor by cleaning carpets, floors, and walls with stain and enzyme-based pet odor remover
If you are trying to eliminate ferret odor from your room, you may use an enzyme-based pet odor remover as an effective treatment. Such products function by decomposing the proteins, which cause odor. Also, these removers while not damage your floorboards, carpets, and fabrics. They are also fully safe to be used in your home and are also biodegradable. The market is full of a variety of good-quality odor removal products.
7. Neutering or other surgical options
We mentioned earlier that ferrets have a natural musky smell, which their glands secret. These glands can be removed surgically. Additionally, Neutering can minimize the number of hormones being released. There is a possibility that these glands have been already removed and the ferret is neutered when you purchase it from a pet store.
In case there is any doubt in your mind, it is better to consult your vet. Make sure to visit a vet who is familiar with ferrets as some of them may not have treated them. When the glands of your ferret have been already removed, the natural smell will not be any better. However, it is not likely to be too strong.
Before putting too much effort and time on how to get rid of ferret odor in room, a good idea can be to be acquainted with getting used to its natural smell. Each animal is a distinct odor of its own and ferrets are not an exception.
Several ferret owners spend a considerable amount of their time to get rid of the odor form the room. However, the odor may be managed very easily. Ensure that your ferrets are always healthy and happy. You should take care that their beddings and litter-boxes are always clean.
It is important to make sure that your ferret is properly looked after and their cages are kept clean always. Also, make sure they are being fed with a proper diet, and bathed as advised. If you follow all the smart tips we covered in this article, you will see how easy and simple it is to manage the smell of your ferret.