Crazy Swedish Fly Photos By Marcus Moore


Marcus Moore – Photographer from Sweden – like those who you are and strive swat a newspaper on the table. True, he loves them not quite traditional.

Magnus Moore created a furore his exhibition of dead flies.

The photographer, who lives in the Swedish town of Karlskoga, collects dead insects from the windows and lamps in his house, and then creates its obscenely funny masterpieces.

Flies on his pictures do the usual “human” affairs – dance …

in sports…

.. Stand in line to the toilet …

Er … .. show off?

This idea came to me in the head a few years ago at a party. I got bored, I went outside and found a dead fly on the ground, and the idea immediately flashed through my mind “- explains the photographer.

When I got home, I put the flies on the paper and outlined

I think the flies have become popular due to its simplicity, and that does not require any text or explanation, because the laughter – the international language

In the collection of Marcus for 25 shots.

Marcus uses a tiny forceps to place the insects. The next time the destruction of insects Think they will be useful to you for creative pans?

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